Hacking and how to prevent it


  RANSOM WARE & malware -
the scammer tricks you into installing software that allows them to access your files and track what you are doing on your computer.

Exploiting security weaknesses –
weaknesses can include reused and easily guessed passwords, out of date anti-virus software, and unsecured WiFi and Bluetooth connections.

Once scammers have hacked your computer or mobile device they can access your personal information, change your passwords, and restrict access to your system. They will use the information they obtain to commit fraudulent activities, such as identity theft or they could obtain direct access to your banking and credit card details.

Warning signs

protect yourself

Always keep your computer security up to date with anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a good firewall. Only buy computer and anti-virus software from a reputable source.Use your security software to run a virus check if you think your computer’s security has been compromised. If you still have doubts, contact your anti-virus software provider or a computer specialist.Secure your networks and devices, and avoid using public computers or WiFi hotspots to access or provide personal information.Choose passwords and PINs that would be difficult for others to guess, and update them regularly. Do not save them to your phone or on your computer.Do not open attachments or click on links in emails or social media messages you’ve received from strangers – just press delete.Be wary of free downloads and website access, such as music, games, movies and adult sites. They may install harmful programs without you knowing.Do not use software that auto-completes online forms.Visit Stay Smart Online(link is external) for tips on how to protect your personal and financial information online.